Customer Service:
(800) 226 2273
Terminal Tech Support:
(800) 226 2273
Account Information
Merchant Identification Number Begins with 878829
PCI Compliance
In the email you will receive information on how to log on. You will
need your MID number for the first time logon.
PCI Help Desk: (801) 705 5610
You are automatically enrolled in a 60 day free trial for the gold
program. The gold program allows you to order free paper rolls for
your terminal plus access to your reporting portal. After 60 days, if
you choose to opt out of the gold program, you will no longer be
able to get free paper rolls but you will still be able to access your
reporting portal. If you choose to keep the program, you will be
charged $11.95 for it monthly. To opt out of the gold program, you
must email or reach out to the help desk requesting to do so.
Paymentshub Email: Support@paymentshub.com
Paymentshub help desk: (877) 464-4218